Swipeclock Inbound IP Address Update - Phase 1 (Revised Timeline)
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Swipeclock
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Mar 15, 2023 - 23:00 MDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Mar 15, 2023 - 20:31 MDT
This is an important update regarding online access to Swipeclock services:
• Our Swipeclock public-facing inbound IP addresses will change to
• This will be rolled out to all our domains beginning March 15, 2023.
• This may affect your ability to access Swipeclock services.
• In all cases, the fix is to update firewall restrictions to use the IP address
Why This May Affect You
The main use case for using an IP address to access our services has been for environments that limit internet access with whitelist access to specific external IP addresses.

This could affect:
1. Browser users if they are accessing Swipeclock websites from an environment with IP restrictions
2. The TWT and SC Touch clocks if they are in an environment with IP restrictions
3. Integration to Swipeclock if those integrations are calling Swipeclock APIs from an environment with IP restrictions
In all cases, the fix is to update firewall restrictions to use the IP address listed here. (

NOTE: This change is not related to WebClock IP restrictions. There is no need to change these.

We will announce the exact dates of each domain update on our Status page before they occur. However, we encourage you to be ready by March 15, 2023 to avoid any unnecessary scramble.

Important Information:
This update will only affect intelligent hardware clocks—TimeWorks Touch, Touch, Vision, and Vision+—and will not affect basic hardware clocks such as the Punch and Punch Plus and older versions as those IP addresses are not changing.

At this time, other Swipeclock domains such as *.myfileguardian.com will not be affected. However, if any users or integrations are accessing *.myfileguardian.com with IP restrictions, it is recommended to update the restrictions to include all IPs from the KB article at this time since it will be under the same IP later this year.

As part of this update, it should be noted that we will still allow access on port 8003 and using insecure http://. However, support for this will end in March 2023.
• Port 8003 will not be allowed, and http will be redirected to https.
This is a good opportunity to confirm that your users and integrations are not using http or 8003. We will be making an effort to identify partners with sites that have users and integrations using http and 8003 and sending a message. It is better if you can identify this yourself and make the change as soon as possible.

You should make sure you do NOT have:
1. Users accessing Swipeclock urls on http:// (many browsers are starting to not allow this anyway). They should be using https://. Swipeclock will be redirecting http to https so users most likely will not be affected even if going to http.
2. Users accessing the Swipeclock TW or TWP website at https://payrollsevers.us/pg or https://payrollservers.us/sc using a port 8003 such as https://payrollservers.us:8003. They should not be adding a port number.
3. Integrations accessing Swipeclock urls on http. They should be using https for security of data. Note: Some http client libraries will handle a returned redirect from http to https so the integration may continue to work. However, not all libraries handle this redirect, and it is extra work on your integration. The integration url should be updated to use https instead of http.
4. Integrations accessing Swipeclock urls on port 8003 such as https://payrollservers.us:8003. You need to remove the 8003 and access over the default port 443.
Posted Mar 15, 2023 - 11:13 MDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: TimeWorks Mobile, WorkforceHUB, WorkforceHUB API, and TimeWorksPlus Employee Mobile Application.